Tamer Başar

A Short Biography

Tamer Başar was born in Istanbul, Turkey, on January 19, 1946. He received B.S.E.E. degree from Robert College, Istanbul, in 1969, and M.S., M.Phil, and Ph.D. degrees in engineering and applied science from Yale University, in 1970, 1971 and 1972, respectively. After stints at Harvard University, Marmara Research Institute (Gebze, Turkey), and Bogaziçi University (Istanbul), he joined the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) in 1981, where he currently is Swanlund Endowed Chair Emeritus and Center for Advanced Study (CAS) Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering, with also affiliations (as Research Professor) with the Coordinated Science Laboratory and Information Trust Institute; he is also affiliated with Mechanical Science and Engineering. From July 1, 2021 through December 31, 2023, he also held the position of Executive Director, Illinois at Singapore Pte. Ltd, which is now called (since September 1, 2023) Illinois Advanced Research Center at Singapore Ltd. (Illinois ARCS). At Illinois, during the period 2014-2020, he was the Director of the Center for Advanced Study; during 2018, he was Interim Dean of the College of Engineering; and during 2008-2010, he was Interim Director of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology. He spent sabbatical years at Twente University of Technology (the Netherlands; 1978-79), and INRIA (France; 1987-88, 1994-95).

Dr. Başar has authored or co-authored over 1,000 publications in the general areas of optimal, robust, and adaptive control; large-scale and decentralized systems and control; dynamic games; stochastic control; estimation theory; stochastic processes; information theory; communication systems and networks; social networks; security and trust; and mathematical economics. He is co-author of the text Dynamic Noncooperative Game Theory (Academic Press, 1982; second edition, 1995; latest edition in SIAM Series in Classics in Applied Mathematics, 1999), editor of the volume Dynamic Games and Applications in Economics (Springer-Verlag, 1986), co-editor of Differential Games and Applications (Springer-Verlag, 1988), co-editor of Advances in Dynamic Games and Applications (Birkhäuser, 1994), co-author of the book H-infinity Optimal Control and Related Minimax Design Problems (Birkhäuser, 1991; second edition, 1995), editor of the centennial volume Control Theory: Twenty-Five Seminal Papers (1932-1981) (IEEE Press, 2001), co-author of the book Network Security: A Decision and Game Theoretic Approach (Cambridge University Press, 2011), co-author of Game Theory in Wireless and Communication Networks: Theory, Models, and Applications (Cambridge University Press, 2011), co-author of Stochastic Networked Control Systems: Stabilization and Optimization under Information Constraints (Birkhäuser, 2013), co-editor of Handbook of Dynamic Game Theory, Volumes I and II (Springer, 2018), editor of Uncertainty in Complex Networked Systems: In Honor of Roberto Tempo (Birkhäuser, 2013), co-author of Game Theory for Next Generation Wireless and Communication Networks: Modeling, Analysis, and Design. (Cambridge University Press, 2019), and co-author of Stochastic Teams, Games and Control under Information Constraints (Systems & Control: Foundations and Applications Series, Birkhäuser, Boston, MA, 2024). His current research interests include stochastic teams, games, and networks; risk-sensitive estimation and control; mean-field game theory; strategic information transmission; multi-agent systems and learning; data-driven distributed optimization; epidemics modeling and control over networks; security and trust; energy systems; and cyber-physical systems.

Tamer Başar is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS); and also carries memberships in several scientific organizations, among which are SIAM, SEDC (Society for Economic Dynamics and Control), ISDG (International Society of Dynamic Games), GTS (Game Theory Society), and IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). He was elected to serve as Vice Chair of Section 7 (Electronics, Communication and Information Systems Engineering) of NAE for the period July 2023-June 2025, to continue as Chair for July 2025-June 2027. He was elected a Fellow of IEEE in 1983, and has served its Control Systems Society in various capacities, among which are: Past President (2001), President (2000), President-Elect (1999), Vice-President for Financial Affairs (1998), Vice-President for Publications (1997), the Editor for Technical Notes and Correspondence for its Transactions on Automatic Control (1992-1994), and as the general chairman (1992) and program chairman (1989) of its flagship conference (Conference on Decision and Control). He has also been active in IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) in various capacities, more recently as Chair of Publications Managing Board (2017-2020, 2020-2023), Chair of Publications Committee (2014-2017), member of the IFAC Council (2011-2014), and Editor-in-Chief of its flagship journal Automatica Automatica (2004-2014). During the period 1990-1994, he was the President of the International Society of Dynamic Games (ISDG), and is currently the Series Editor of the Annals of ISDG (published by Birkhäuser), the Series Editor of Systems & Control: Foundations and Applications (published by Birkhäuser), the Series Editor of Static and Dynamic Game Theory: Foundations and Applications, an Editor of SpringerBriefs in Electronic and Computer Engineering: Control, Automation and Robotics, and Honorary Editor of Applied and Computational Mathematics. He is also on the editorial and advisory boards of a number of other international journals. He was the President of the American Automatic Control Council (2010-2011), its Past President in 2012-2013, and Chair of its Awards Committee (2017-2019). Among some of the honors and awards he has received are (in reverse chronological order): Annual Wook Hyun Kwon Lecturer, Seoul National University, Korea (2023); election to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2023); AAIA Fellow (2023); Wilbur Cross Medal from Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut (2021); Honorary Doctorate from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden (2019); Honorary Professorship from Shandong University, Jinan, China (2019); IFAC Advisor (2017--for indefinite term); IEEE Control Systems (Technical Field) Award (2014); Honorary Chair Professorship from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (2014); Honorary Doctorate (Doctor Honoris Causa) from Bogaziçi University, Istanbul (2012); SIAM Fellow (2012); Honorary Doctorate from the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (2011); Isaacs Award of ISDG (2010); Honorary Professorship from Northeastern University, Shenyang, China (2008); Swanlund Endowed Chair at UIUC (2007); Honorary Doctorate (Doctor Honoris Causa) from Doguş University, Istanbul (2007); Richard E. Bellman Control Heritage Award of the American Automatic Control Council (2006); Giorgio Quazza Medal of IFAC (2005); Outstanding Service Award of IFAC (2005); IFAC Fellow (2005); Center for Advanced Study Professorship at UIUC (2005); Hendrik W. Bode Lecture Prize of the IEEE Control Systems Society (2004); Tau Beta Pi Daniel C. Drucker Eminent Faculty Award of the College of Engineering of UIUC (2004); election to the National Academy of Engineering (of the USA) (2000); IEEE Millennium Medal (2000); Fredric G. and Elizabeth H. Nearing Distinguished Professorship at UIUC (1998); Axelby Outstanding Paper Award (1995) and Distinguished Member Award (1993) of the IEEE Control Systems Society; Medal of Science of Turkey (1993); IEEE Fellow (!983); and Sedat Simavi Foundation Award in Mathematical Sciences (1979).

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